Are you a business owner trying to navigate the complexities of insurance? It can be an overwhelming process, especially when it comes to understanding what kind of coverage your business needs. While finding the perfect insurance plan may seem daunting, one important tip could help: bundle your policies! 

By bundling insurance with a single carrier, you can save money and time. This post will explore why you should consider bundling insurance policies for your business.

What is Bundling Insurance?

Bundling insurance is the act of buying more than one line of insurance coverage through the same carrier. It’s an easy way for a business owner to save time and money since bundling your policies eliminates the need to keep track of multiple policies.

Most insurance carriers typically bundle a combination of property, general liability, commercial auto, workers’ compensation, and professional liability insurance policies.

5 Benefits of Bundling Insurance Policies

Bundling multiple policies together can benefit your business greatly, from more efficient bookkeeping to having a one-stop shop for questions or claims. Let’s dig into the different areas you’ll see benefits by bundling your coverage.

  1. Accounting: Bundling your policies will streamline your bookkeeping, giving you fewer bills to keep track of and pay.
  2. Inquiries and Claims Process: Instead of calling two or three different carriers to check your coverage or file a claim, you’ll only have one number to call.
  3. Rates: Most carriers offer additional discounts of up to 10% off for bringing all of your policies to them. You can help your bottom line by bundling your insurance.
  4. Risk Management: When one carrier handles all of your policies, it’s easier to detect gaps in coverage, especially if you’re working with a specialized insurer that focuses on your industry. Your agent will have the full picture and the capabilities to work with you on your expectations, level of protection, and unique risks.
  5. Information Security: Tying all your policies together with one carrier decreases security risks because fewer people will need access to sensitive personal information about your employees and business finances. You decrease the chance that it can end up in the wrong hands.

Bundle Your Insurance Policies with Zellner Insurance

Bundling insurance policies together is a great way for business owners to save time, money, and effort. With fewer things to track and the potential for discounts, bundling your coverage can be an easy decision that pays off in the long run. Click to contact Zellner Insurance Agency now and see how bundling insurance can unlock savings for your business.